Recap: The SportsTravel Road Trip
Everyone loves a road trip and SportsTravel is no exception. SportsTravel took to the road to provide a first-of-its-kind educational session for CEOs and event managers of sports organizations. Sponsored by the Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau, the SportsTravel Road Trip was held at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs and an evening reception was held at Johnny Martin’s Car Central, a private club also in the Springs.
Sports-event organizers had the opportunity to interact with the Louisville CVB and Louisville Sports Commission regarding the possibility of hosting their future events in Louisville. Sports organizers also benefitted from a morning educational session facilitated by attorneys Rich Young, Lucinda McRoberts and Steve Smith from the law firm Bryan Cave, which provided updates on anti-doping measures, safe-sport initiatives and the implications of collegiate athletes being allowed to unionize.
Check out the video for highlights of the SportsTravel Road Trip. If you are a CVB or sports commission interested in hosting a future SportsTravel Road Trip, please call (877) 577-3700.