Special Report:
Bombing Rocks Sports World

By Jason Gewirtz and Courtney Ray
The bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15 and the ensuing search for the suspects in the attack sent shockwaves through the greater Boston region as well as the sports-event and hospitality industries. In addition to three dead and more than 200 injured, the attacks also wreaked havoc on sporting events and conventions that were postponed or canceled and sent other events scrambling to reassess their security plans.
For Pat Moscaritolo, president and CEO of the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau, the moments after the blasts on Boylston Street were terrifying and racked with uncertainty: “After something like that, you don’t know in the first minutes, first hours, what’s really happening. You know the bombs went off and the first responders arrived, but you don’t know much more than that.”
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