Team Travel Source has promoted Ainsley Harris to the position of chief experience officer. In her new role, Harris will lead the company’s efforts to improve the overall customer experience.
“Ainsley’s passion for delivering exceptional experiences and her extensive knowledge of the event industry make her the perfect fit for the chief experience officer role,” said Kelley Roberts, chief executive officer of Team Travel Source. “We have no doubt that she will continue to drive our commitment to excellence and ensure our clients’ complete satisfaction.”
Harris has been with Team Travel Source for over six years, starting as account manager of volleyball accounts before she became the director of volleyball. Most recently serving as the vice president of guest experience, Harris was tasked with client satisfaction and engagement. In her new position, she will work with event attendees, from initial planning to post-event follow-up.
“I am honored and excited to step into the role of chief experience officer at Team Travel Source,” said Harris. “I am deeply committed to creating unforgettable experiences for our clients and their guests, and I look forward to driving our mission to deliver excellence in every aspect of our service.”