Dear Event Doctor: We recognize the value of awarding our events several years at a time and can appreciate the benefit for both our attendees’ planning purposes as well as those of the host cities. But is there ever a scenario where awarding the event one year at a time makes more sense? —One Year at a Time
Dear One: The complexity of bid processes differ significantly from one event to another. Some require a simple checklist of venue needs, hotel rooms and price tags. Others demand the development of a robust competitive proposal addressing sponsorships, media, hospitality and fan engagement enhancements.
To read the rest of this article in the digital edition of SportsTravel, please click here.
The Event Doctor is sports-event veteran Frank Supovitz, president and chief experience officer of Fast Traffic Events & Entertainment, an event management and consulting firm. From 1992 to 2014, Supovitz served as the senior event executive for the National Football League and National Hockey League. He is also the author of “The Sports Event Management and Marketing Playbook.” Questions for The Event Doctor can be emailed to Frank Supovitz at eventdoctor@schneiderpublishing.com.